About 4 weeks ago Jeremy and I got back from a month long trip to Europe. There are way too many pictures to go through so I've been negligent in both editing them and posting them. I've managed to get about 10 together, including this one...
If it isn't super clear by now, Jeremy and I are going to Europe for a month in 2 weeks. 2 weeks from today!
I'm so excited! I've never been to Europe (went way far west to Asia before going east) and I could not be more excited. I'm heavily suppressing the desire to pack NOW!We'll be flying into Rome, spending some time there, and then driving around with 2 friends for about 10 days. Fantastic!Here's the potential itinerary of our Italian road trip (not to be confused with the German road trip we'll be taking after this one):
We're taking the long way, baby. Just me, Jeremy, and (hopefully) a Fiat 500. The first day of 7 days of road tripping.