Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Storm City 2008

[This is long]

So yesterday was pretty eventful, and everything was accompanied by a thunderstorm. I know that Muncie has some storms - but Northern Indiana is crazy! Every time I go home there seems to be some dramatic natural disaster. Or big time storm.

So in the morning, my mom storms (pun intended) into my room, interrupts a pretty good dream and tells me I have to get all my stuff out of the trailer they brought to move me out, because it's going to rain. So I run downstairs, half asleep, get a lot of stuff out and move it into the garage - where it has to be sorted and then sent to a storage unit to await my move. Then I eat some breakfast, and we start sorting through the last 4 years of my life, and a wicked storm rages. But it was sort of a nice storm - no wind really, so the garage door stayed open, and really loud thunder. Fun.

So then we eat some lunch and it starts storming again. This time I go outside and a lot of my stuff is getting wet because the rain is blowing in. So we close the garage door and continue to work. Then we go to the trailer to get some more stuff, and the wind blew rain inside and some of my boxes are soaked. Awesome. Needless to say, this all got worked out, and things we repacked and it was all fine.

So later last night I decided to catch up on Entourage (not realizing I had already seen all the on-demand ones, but I was watching them anyway) - and the EAS comes on the TV and says there's a Tornado Warning. I'm like - "I don't hear anything or see anything" so I wasn't worried. I continued Entourage and it came on AGAIN. This time there was a Tornado Warning for my county. Great. Then I start to hear thunder, and I go upstairs to turn off my computer - the iMac is untested in power surges/outtages. The radar is looking pretty sketchy at this point, and my mom decides to go to the basement.

My sisters and I stayed upstairs and laughed at her overreaction. Then the storm got crazy. I decided to "keep her company" in the basement, aka it was freaking me out too. Our power was flashing and the thunder was intense. While in the basement, my mom and I watched the local weather man, and he was LOVING it. This is what Rick Mecklenberg dreams of. The EAS cut in again, and suggested to cover your face with your hands for protection. Then my mom jokes, "Yeah - good thing when this beam fell on me, I was covering my face with my hands. Totally protected." And we continue to joke about taking shelter and beams falling on heads when our power cuts out completely and I go "Okay" and cover my head with a blanket. When the lights come back on immediately after - my mother laughs hysterically at me.

Eventually the storm more or less passes from our area and the weatherman is visibly disapointed that there weren't any actual tornadoes. Wow.

After we were out of danger - my sisters and I sat by our front door and watch the scary lightning outside - which include serveral close bolts of lightning, and some thunder set off a car alarm in our neighborhood. Overall, it was scary, fun, and awesome. But I officially survived.

Quote of the night:
One sister [requested she not be named]: Was that our power that just went out?
(After making fun of her)
Other sister: I'll be honest. I couldn't tell either.

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