Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So I very much enjoyed Fringe. It can't be denied - J.J. Abrams knows his stuff.

The show has a very sort of "LOST" feel to it, just with all the information thrown at you at once. It's nice to finally have a thinking person's show again. Or at least until LOST comes back.

One thing I can say is that I definitely foresee LOSTish type things like blogs, wikis, and LOLFringes. This show certainly has its share of "hidden" items, really only visible to the careful observer (noted was the hand print before commercial that had 6 fingers).

As of right now, it's hard to go into more detail, and I may watch it again on Sunday just to watch it again for more addict-inducing material. Well played, J.J.


Jeff Laub said...

So, I went to see the Dark Knight again and totally spaced Fringe. Whoops...good to see you writing again.

shannon said...

yay for Fringe! good blog. I thought the same thing. . . however I missed the first 10-15 min so I have to watch it again on Sunday... :) I am happy that there is another show I can be addicted to once again, makes my heart happy lol.