Friday, June 27, 2008


Okay, so I know this is a well-visited topic, I'm sure. But here's the thing that pisses me off... first of all I understand that little kids listening to the radio don't need to hear certain words - but come on...

So I'm listening to my Pandora Maroon 5 radio station and the song "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)" by Nine Days comes on... now for the younger folk, you may not remember this song - but it's awesome. My issue comes when I start rocking out at my computer in the lab, lip syncing quietly and I get to the line (what I believe): "just to put up with this/every day and all day" - and I am mouthing these exact words, but the ACTUAL lyrics are "just to put up with this shit/day after day"

Ummm... these are way better lyrics. I've listened to this song for a long time, and I was CONVINCED the words were different. Usually I am aware of censors in songs, and usually don't listen to censored songs if I can help it - but I was in complete shock.

So much so that I decided to do a real quick rant.

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