Saturday, July 19, 2008

10 Things To Do In Line Before "The Dark Knight"

10 Things To Do In Line Before "The Dark Knight"
1. Drink 2 gallons of coffee, and then jump around as the caffeine surges through your body.
2. Have a lame attempt at irony by wearing a non-Batman super hero shirt.
3. Take the elevator from the second floor entrance of the IMAX theater to the first floor of the theater, rather than 1 flight of stairs.
4. Have your 15 minutes of fame by cheesing it up as the Joker... and have girls take pictures with you.
5. Be the awkward "older" people at the movie.
6. Wait in line for 3 hours, only to sit behind someone who arrived 30 minutes before the movie.
7. Say "When I lived in London..." over and over, before every story.
8. Wear 3 shirts and act like a certain douche bag we all know. This includes popping the second shirt's collar over the child's Batman t-shirt over it.
9. Be almost as excited for the trailers as you are for the movie.
10. Make this list.

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