It was truly terrible. I will admit that I've read all 4 books in the series. I will also admit that I didn't hate the first movie at first. I didn't even hate it when my roommates and I watched it sophomore year and ripped it to shreds. But that may have been because Nick Roth interrupted the movie by literally passing out from drunkenness on our futon. The one I was laying on. So we drew on him with markers and switched his shoes. But I digress...
From the beginning, this movie was laughable at best. My mom constantly throughout the movie would throw up an "L" sign with her fingers - which she said indicated "Lame." Something that could've been said about the whole movie.
Now I know - this should be expected right? No one really expected this movie to be great. But even Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 64%, rather than the 12% that awaited The Mummy 3. This movie could've been better in so many ways. The acting - for 4 actresses who are well known - SUCKED. I know that's not very descriptive, or even a good word to use in general, but if the shoe fits... The pregnancy scare could've been done without, the awkward acting by the Asian "Brian" was just horrendous. It was sometimes difficult to tell if he had some sort of British accent, and he just made me feel uncomfortable.
Oh, and Blythe Danner was in this movie. Playing the backward Southern grandma that Bridget had never known. Her role was way to small to be important, however, and I don't think she really nailed down the part. Not your best move, Blythe.
And let's just throw out that NONE of the characters developed much past a name - if even that. RANDOM EXTRAS ABOUND.
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